Unspoken Taboos

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  • Lecture 1: Understanding the true nature of women
  • Lecture 2: Facing the pain that comes with improvement
  • Lecture 3: Creating the effect that you want through archetypes
  • Lecture 4: Finding your swag and flaunting your strengths
  • Length: 5 hours 33 minutes



  • Lecture 1: Understanding the true nature of women
  • Lecture 2: Facing the pain that comes with improvement
  • Lecture 3: Creating the effect that you want through archetypes
  • Lecture 4: Finding your swag and flaunting your strengths
  • Length: 5 hours 33 minutes

You no longer have to deprive yourself of the companionship of women.

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You no longer have to deprive yourself of the companionship of women.

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Covered Topics:

  • Problems starting a conversation with women? Learn the biggest pitfalls and approach them the right way.
  • Gaming in loud environments
  • It worked and you got her number. What is the next step?
  • Women might feel played at some point. How do you develop a solid connection with her and prevent this feeling from kicking in?
  • Use the subconscious mind, NLP, and hypnosis to get her attracted.
  • How do you escalate if she’s in town for a couple of days?
  • Game is not working on religious women. FALSE! Learn how to attract and seduce them.
  • Why do women say they want something and then end up wanting something completely different?
  • Avoid looking desperate and creepy.
  • Look out for the false rules of getting women. Girls don’t like nice guys, assholes, guys that get girls, going on dates, etc.

These and many other mind-blowing topics await you. Once you make the payment, you'll get instant online access to the lectures.

May you never be the same again.

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